Justice through Empowerment Network - National Network of Abortion Funds
Eat tacos, drink bevs, fund abortion! Take the Taco or Bev Challenge September 9th to the 21st! #ToBC24

Justice through Empowerment Network


Supporting people in South Dakota.


Call and leave a voicemail with your name and date of your appointment, we will get back to you as soon as possible.

About Justice through Empowerment Network

The Justice through Empowerment Network (JEN) helps patients in the South Dakota area with funding for their abortion, and also with costs associated with transportation, childcare, lodging, interpreters, medications, food, birth control, and the morning-after pill. We recognize that many patients are unable to access care in South Dakota due to the heavy burdens put in place by our state government, so JEN will often help people find which out-of-state clinic makes the most sense for them depending on location and situation. We believe everyone should have access to abortion care, regardless of their location or income and that no one should be shamed or stigmatized for seeking the healthcare they need.

Justice through Empowerment Network's Community

We are all volunteers who passionately believe in your right to a safe, legal abortion regardless of your income, location, or life situation. JEN operates primarily in South Dakota, but will also help patients from North Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, or Iowa.

Get Involved

If you'd like to volunteer, e-mail us at info@jensd.org with VOLUNTEER in the subject line. We will e-mail you back with more information.

Contact Info:

This Fund Can Provide:

  • Contraception & Reproductive Healthcare
  • Financial Support
  • Logistical Support
  • Wage Replacement
  • Works Directly with Abortion Seekers