Fondo de Aborto para la Justicia Social MARIA - National Network of Abortion Funds
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Fondo de Aborto para la Justicia Social MARIA


Supporting people in Mexico.


Please call this fund if you are a person in Mexico looking for an abortion, if you need information about safe abortion options, and/or if you need financial, emotional, or logistical support related to your abortion.

Support is available to women, trans men, and non-binary people who require access to safe abortions.

Hotline Number: 55 5243 5054 y 800 832 7311, open Monday through Thursday, 10am - 4pm. Both numbers work from any part of Mexico.

Email address: [email protected]

Online Help Form:

Requests received through the website will usually be responded to within 24 hours, if you reach out over the weekend, we will get back to you on Monday.

About Fondo de Aborto para la Justicia Social MARIA

In 2007, Mexico City became the exception in the country by decriminalizing abortion up to 12 weeks, making it the only place in Mexico and the second in Latin America where women can access legal abortion on demand.

The MARIA Abortion Fund for Social Justice was founded in 2009 as the abortion program of Balance, a progressive feminist Mexican organization that works at the national, regional and international global level transforming public policies and programs regarding sexual and reproductive rights.

The social and legal situation in Mexican states highlights the unequal access for people in accessing care, according to their residence and economic situation. Experiencing an abortion in such a precarious and socially stigmatizing environment is an obstacle to the full exercise of the right to reproductive autonomy.

Our objective is to support people all over the country to face the social inequalities since wealthy people can pay for private providers or travel to Mexico City or even just outside of the country to get safe abortion services while poor people are forced to risk their health and lives in unsafe abortions.

Fondo de Aborto para la Justicia Social MARIA's Community

The MARIA Abortion Fund for Social Justice aims to contribute to the creation of a legal and social context throughout Mexico that allows, respects and promotes people’s right to choose an abortion as a legitimate outcome of an unwanted/non-viable pregnancy.

Since 2009, the MARIA Fund has supported more than 4,650 people from all over the country; it has trained 5 generations of abortion doulas to give accompaniment and 2 generations of local activists from outside Mexico City on positive messaging on abortion and sexual rights. It has also developed 3 communication strategies on social media to promote a social context that embraces abortion within the social justice and human rights approaches.

Get Involved

Since the MARIA Fund is the only existing fund working in Mexico, they have an increasing number of funding requests year after year and need all the support they can get!

Donating to the MARIA Fund means contributing to assuring we continue to respond to all support requests as well as warrant access to safe abortion for all. All donations are valuable to help them keep doing their activities and are tax deductible in Mexico.

Make an online contribution to the MARIA Fund.

The MARIA Fund is also in need of volunteers, so if you would like to donate your work or your professional expertise, email using the online contact form for more information.

Contact Info:

This Fund Can Provide:

  • All-Options Counseling
  • Caller Follow Up
  • Contraception & Reproductive Healthcare
  • Doula Support
  • Financial Support
  • Leadership Development Program
  • Logistical Support
  • Sex Education
  • Storytelling
  • Works Directly with Abortion Seekers