Take Back Tax Day!

Donate Your Refund
The Hyde Amendment is a federal law that bars government insurance from covering abortion. This law affects many people, but its biggest impact is on folks who already have trouble accessing healthcare.
Protest the Hyde Amendment by donating part or all of your tax refund to abortion funds and the abortion justice movement.
Learn how you can support funds!
Understanding the Hyde Amendment
The Hyde Amendment stops millions of people every year from getting abortions. This law will keep harming families, communities, and bodily autonomy until it is repealed.
The Hyde Amendment: An FAQWhy We’re Celebrating Tax Day
We want our tax dollars to fund abortion, and it’s time the government listened. Committing our refunds to help pay for abortions is a great way to reclaim how healthcare works in the U.S.
Celebrate Tax DayRedistribute Your Refund
The National Network of Abortion Funds believes tax dollars should cover the full spectrum of healthcare, and until our government recognizes this, we’ll show them how it should be done.
Abortion Funds Renew Call for Taxes