Abortion Support Network - National Network of Abortion Funds

Abortion Support Network


Supporting people in Europe.


Eligibility for grants 

ASN does not ask their clients how they got pregnant or why they want abortions. Their only criteria are financial need and available funding.  

Grants are given on a case-by-case basis. ASN also asks that clients arrange things in the most inexpensive way possible, so that our money can help the largest number of people.  

They also provide funding and logistical support on a case-by-case basis to people resident in other parts of Europe and provide information as is possible to those who contact us from around the globe. 


ASN and two of our Abortion Without Borders partner organisations have volunteer hosts near clinics in Engalnd, The Netherlands and Germany. Pre-Covid, accommodation could be arranged in volunteer homes, as well as transportation between accommodation and clinics, clinics and airports, etc where necessary. Currently, the majority of people travelling are put in paid accommodation, and we can support these costs when required.  

Clients should contact ASN as soon as possible after deciding to terminate 

ASN requests that you get in touch with them before you book any travel, so they can help you arrange the least expensive procedure and travel arrangements possible. 

About Abortion Support Network

Abortion Support Network (ASN) is a largely volunteer-run charity, founded in 2009, that provides practical information and financial support to women and pregnant people forced to travel for a safe and legal abortion. Where necessary and possible, they also provide accommodation in volunteer homes. This service is available to people resident in Ireland, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man, Malta, Gibraltar, and Poland (through the Abortion Without Borders initiative), and on a case-by-case basis to people from elsewhere in Europe.  

In addition to funding abortion and travel costs, ASN provides information on how to arrange the least expensive abortion and travel. They also offer other specialised information, such as: how to apply for travel documents; what forms of transport accept what forms of ID; and creative navigation of any barriers that stand between our services users and the abortions they seek, including travel restrictions and testing requirements caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.  

Abortion Support Network's Community

Every year, thousands of women and pregnant people are forced to travel for safe abortions, at a cost of £500-£2500 ($600-$3400) – and even more, depending on the stage of pregnancy and additional costs on things like Covid restrictions. In their first year of operation, ASN was able to provide grants to 34 women who otherwise could not have afforded the option of a safe abortion. In 2020, ASN funded 153 clients for just over £100,000 ($134,000). In the first two quarters of 2021, ASN provided more funding for abortions than in all of 2020 due to a mix of increased demand and increased awareness of our Abortion Without Borders initiative. To put this into perspective, the Abortion Without Borders helpline received 5237 calls from people in Poland seeking safe abortions in 2020, which has risen to 5596 in the first 2 quarters of 2021. 

Get Involved

When you donate to the Abortion Support Network, you’re helping people who live in abortion-restrictive countries travel to a safe, reputable, and legal abortion provider. Go to their website to make a donation to ensure that people seeking abortion can access legal and safe abortion care, regardless of the barriers they face. 

The Abortion Support Network is largely powered by volunteers.  To find out more about available volunteer roles or to learn more about the organization, visit their website, send an email to info@asn.org.uk, or join their vibrant online community on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter, where members share the latest information about events, resources, and reproductive justice news. 

You can also sign up to receive the ASN monthly eNewsletter if you want to be kept up to date on their volunteering opportunities, and about the clients ASN are helping. This can be done on their website at https://www.asn.org.uk/newsletter/. 

Contact Info:

This Fund Can Provide:

  • Financial Support
  • Logistical Support
  • Storytelling
  • Works Directly with Abortion Seekers