Mississippi Reproductive Freedom Fund - National Network of Abortion Funds
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Mississippi Reproductive Freedom Fund


Supporting people in Mississippi.


Mississippi Reproductive Freedom Fund provides funding for abortion, Plan B, transportation, lodging, child care and travel for all residents of Mississippi, regardless of where they seek abortion care, and anyone who has an abortion in Mississippi. We also have abortion doula services, Spanish translation on request as well as offering logistical support referrals and limited aftercare. If you need assistance, call and leave a voicemail. Please speak slowly and clearly leaving your name, number, the best time to reach you, and if it's ok to leave a message. You'll receive a call back within 24 hours. An appointment at a clinic is not required before calling us. We can help walk you through the process of obtaining funding and navigating logistics if you're experiencing multiple barriers to obtaining your abortion.

About Mississippi Reproductive Freedom Fund

The Mississippi Reproductive Freedom Fund was founded in 2013 by two women Laurie Bertram Roberts and Yolanda Walker. We formed the fund because as clinic escorts we saw first hand patients who were struggling to find the last $50, $75 or $100 for their procedures. Patients who had to have a friend or loved one sit in the car with their child or children after they drove 3 or 4 hours because they had no money for child care. Patients who didn't eat all day because they spent their last $30 on gas and now couldn't afford anything to eat. Patients willing having to sleep in their car overnight so they could get their procedures the next day due to our state's unnecessary 24 hour waiting period. The impact of the Hyde Amendment is strongly felt here. Many patients who are covered by medicaid or would be if Mississippi had expanded medicaid do not have abortion coverage due to this government policy. So we deeply understood that due to many patients having to wait for their first appointment until they could save up enough money to come, some get turned away because once they finally make it to Jackson they are past the 16 week cut off at the last clinic in Mississippi. They are then faced with the option to carry to term or go out of state for their procedure. We chose to fund Plan B because the founding of our fund occurred right around the time Plan B became available to all ages over the counter. Despite birth control being covered under the ACA and emergency contraception technically being available to all who wants to get it. Access is still limited in some areas of Mississippi and many face financial barriers. Thanks to Mississippi's lack of quality sexual and family planning education many do not even know what emergency contraception is. There is also population of Mississippi Choctaw Indians who do not have equal access to Plan B either due to the Indian Health Services unequal policies. We want to help make sure that the people of Mississippi have the same access to family planning options as people in other states.

Mississippi Reproductive Freedom Fund's Community

On average, Mississippi Reproductive Freedom Fund serves one to two patients a month with financial assistance. In addition, MRFF usually serves between three to five people a week by talking them through the abortion process, giving referrals, and helping with logistical support. Many of the patients funded have received funding from another fund but are still unable to access abortion. In the span of 15 months, we provided 14 people with financial assistance, 3 people with Plan B and an estimate of 160-280 women with referrals, logistical support, and emotional support. Mississippi is one of the poorest states in country. When someone wants to access an abortion, it is highly likely that they are facing multiple barriers beyond lack of finances including lack of childcare, transportation and travel funds.

Get Involved

Make a tax deductible donation to Mississippi Reproductive Freedom Fund and start making a difference in Mississippi today. If you are interested in sending a check or volunteering with the fund to help women get abortion care in Mississippi, email: [email protected] You can also get updates from the Mississippi Reproductive Freedom Fund and find out more about events and volunteering by going to our website, or joining our online community on Facebook and Twitter, where supporters and activists share the latest news and resources.

Contact Info:

This Fund Can Provide:

  • Caller Follow Up
  • Contraception & Reproductive Healthcare
  • Doula Support
  • Financial Support
  • Logistical Support
  • Mutual Aid
  • Works Directly with Abortion Seekers