What is Self-Managed Abortion?
We believe everyone should be able to choose the abortion method that works best for them. This could mean receiving care from a clinician or self-managing their abortion. A self-managed abortion (SMA) lets a pregnant person choose where, when, and how to have their abortion. Learn more with the resources on this page.
*This page provides information about self-managed abortion but isn’t legal advice.
Use this Self-Managed Abortion Guide to:
- Learn about self-managed abortions (SMAs).
- Understand why some people choose SMAs.
- Find abortion pills and resources for support.
A self-managed abortion (SMA) is when a person ends their pregnancy outside the formal medical system. That means they don’t get in-person or telehealth support from a doctor or clinic.
You don’t have to be or feel alone when self-managing an abortion. Abortion pills and emotional support for SMAs can be found online.
- Reprocare’s Healthline offers private, peer-based emotional support and accurate information about planning and having an abortion at home with pills.
- Abortion On Our Own Terms: Abortion Access is a great resource for finding abortion pills online and getting more information about self-managed abortion and abortion care.
In the U.S., more than 60% of abortions are medication abortions or “abortions with pills.” Self-managed abortions are often called “abortions at home with pills.”
Many people have used the medication misoprostol to end pregnancies. This pill can be taken alone or with another medication, mifepristone*. Mifepristone blocks progesterone, the hormone that maintains pregnancy. Misoprostol causes cramping, which empties the contents of the uterus. The World Health Organization has stated that both methods are safe when used correctly, with or without a clinician.
- Visit Self-managed Abortion; Safe and Supported: How to Use Abortion Pills. Read about taking abortion pills correctly, learn what to expect after you do, and answer other FAQs about self-managed abortion with pills.
*Laws and policies about abortion pills are constantly changing. We do our best to keep the information on this page current.
Self-managed abortions can be easier to plan, more private, and more comfortable than abortions in medical settings. Each person seeking an abortion faces different circumstances, and SMAs let a pregnant person decide how their abortion happens.
People self-manage their abortions for other reasons, too.
- They might be facing financial or practical barriers that prevent them from getting the abortions they need and want.
- When a pregnant person is part of a structurally oppressed and under-resourced community, these barriers are even harder to overcome. Members of these communities already face unfair treatment from our healthcare and economic systems.
- In states that restrict abortion, many clinics have closed, and those that remain are overburdened. This makes finding an abortion appointment difficult.
- Even if someone can find an appointment, they often must pay for and arrange to travel long distances and take time away from work, school, family, or other responsibilities.
Get involved and support self-managed abortion. Take Action for SMA.
Talk to Someone
Reprocare’s Healthline is a hotline offering peer-based information and emotional support for anyone planning or having an abortion with pills. Available in English & Spanish.
Get Abortion Pills
Plan C’s Guide to Abortion Pill Access helps people in the U.S. find abortion pills based on where they live. Get resources for having an abortion at home with pills.
Is Self-Managed Abortion Legal?
Laws about self-managed abortion are complex. They vary by state and can change at any time. Currently, Nevada is the only state where it is a crime to self-manage your abortion, and then only after 24 weeks of pregnancy. However, what a law says and how it is used can be very different. Some people have faced investigation, arrest, and prosecution for self-managing their abortion or for supporting someone else with self-managed abortion—even in states that don’t outlaw self-managed abortion outright.
According to If/When/How, at least 61 people across 26 states were criminalized for self-managing their abortions between 2000 and 2020. In a majority of cases, those criminalized were poor and/or Black, Indigenous, or other people of color.
Help for people seeking SMAs
The lawyers at If/When/How’s Repro Legal Helpline answer confidential questions about legal rights, risks, and options related to self-managed abortion. If/When/How’s Repro Legal Defense Fund can provide financial support for anyone who’s being investigated or has been arrested for ending a pregnancy or helping someone else to self-manage an abortion.
If/When/HowHelp for Abortion Funds
If/When/How’s Technical Assistance Program offers technical support to abortion funds about state abortion regulations, child welfare, and abortion reporting requirements. This program also helps movement partners and abortion funds learn how to exercise their First Amendment rights safely.
If/When/How’s T.A. ProgramIf you are a member abortion fund with NNAF, we can help you find a values-aligned lawyer. Submit a technical assistance request.
Self-Managed Abortion: Additional Resources
Want to know more about self-managed abortion? Check out the following websites for more information and resources for abortion pills and support.*
*NNAF does not monitor or endorse the accuracy of any information found at these links. The information at these links represents the views of the linked organizations, not NNAF.
Reprocare offers peer-based information and emotional support for anyone planning or having an abortion with pills. Available in English & Spanish.
Visit ReprocareAbortion On Our Own Terms
Abortion On Our Own Terms offers accurate and detailed information about self-managed abortions.
Visit Abortion On Our Own TermsAll-Options
All-Options supports people considering all of their pregnancy options, including parenting, abortion, or adoption.
Visit All-OptionsMiscarriage + Abortion Hotline
Clinicians with the M+A Hotline offer support in both English and Spanish to people managing miscarriage or abortion with pills.
Visit the M + A HotlineSASS: Self-managed Abortion; Safe & Supported
SASS offers detailed information in English and Spanish about self-managed abortion and abortion with pills.
Visit SASSPlan C Guide to Abortion Pill Access
Plan C helps people in the United States get abortion pills based on where they live.
Visit the Plan C GuideSupport Self-managed Abortion
Join NNAF as we work to normalize and decriminalize self-managed abortion.