Abortion Fund of Arizona
Supporting people in Arizona, Texas.
Our fund is a warmline, meaning callers leave a voice message and our team of volunteers returns your call within 24-48 hours. This will show as a call coming from a blocked or restricted phone number.
To be considered for funding, callers will need to have an appointment scheduled at a clinic. There are no financial or gestational requirements to qualify for funding. We distribute funds to all callers with scheduled appointments.
Our organization also offers practical support for callers. Every caller can ask for this assistance, even if they are not receiving a procedure pledge. This can look like meal and gas support, support with childcare expenses, transportation arrangements, lodging, and coverage of the Rhogam vaccine.
We do not accept funding requests via email, but questions and inquiries for additional resources are welcome at helpline@abortionfundofaz.org.
Services are available in English and Spanish.
About Abortion Fund of Arizona
The Abortion Fund of Arizona is a direct service program of Pro-Choice Arizona. We provide financial assistance to people seeking abortion care in the state of Arizona. The fund launched in 2017 as a direct action to the anti-abortion and TRAP laws passed under Arizona’s hostile Republican-controlled state government. Our grassroots organization has a team of dedicated volunteers, 2 full-time and 2 part-time staff members, and a governing board. On average, our fund is supporting 69 patients and pledging $23,000 per month in both procedure and practical support expenses. In 2022, our organization pledged a total of $190,086 for abortion procedure expenses and an additional $19,000 in practical support. Since 2017, we have supported over 2,400 patients in Arizona and across the country.
We envision a society where people and families live in thriving communities and are treated with dignity when making reproductive decisions that are right for them, including but not limited to pregnancy care, birth justice, and choosing abortion(s). We work towards a future where reproductive healthcare is accessible, affordable, compassionate, and patient-centered. We organize for a future in which these choices are made not only free of barriers but also free of stigma, shame, and judgment.
Abortion Fund of Arizona's Community
With only a handful of organizations and collectives in Arizona focused on aboriton access, AFAZ is the only state-wide fund. Over the years we have built a beautiful partnership with TASC (Tucson Abortion Support Collective) to increase the support for Southern AZ. We collaborate with Indigenous Women Rising to support Native and Indigenous communities in Arizona.
Abortion Fund of Arizona centers Abolition and Reproductive Justice values and framework in our operations and community work, in how we provide support to abortion seekers, and in our advocacy and education work across the state and country.
Get Involved
Volunteer work with our fund can be done remotely! We especially want to bring in the experiences, perspectives, and leadership of people from communities most impacted and marginalized by abortion regulations: people who have had abortions, people of color, those with experience living with little or no income, and folks who live or have had experience living in rural settings with less access to healthcare. We are always seeking Spanish speaking volunteers to better assist our community.
Contact Info:
This Fund Can Provide:
- Abortion Support Circles
- Caller Follow Up
- Contraception & Reproductive Healthcare
- Doula Support
- Financial Support
- Insurance Advocacy/Education
- Judicial Bypass Support
- Logistical Support
- Storytelling
- Works Directly with Abortion Seekers
- Youth Engagement