New York Abortion Access Fund
Supporting people in New York.
If you are living in or traveling to New York State and are seeking funding for your abortion, please call our helpline at 212-252-4757 and leave a voicemail or email with the following information: your name, phone number, appointment day, time and clinic, where you are located (city+state), and whether it's ok to say NYAAF is calling. A NYAAF case manager will follow up with you within 48 hours.
About New York Abortion Access Fund
The New York Abortion Access Fund is New York’s only and local abortion fund, servicing one of the most populous and diverse states in the country. NYAAF pays for abortions for anyone living in or traveling to New York facing financial and logistical barriers. The fund also advocates for cultural and policy change to increase access and undo abortion stigma.
NYAAF operates a volunteer-managed helpline that fields calls in English and Spanish every day from people experiencing barriers to accessing an abortion. Our case managers provide compassionate support to callers and directly move funds on their behalf to ensure they can access the abortion care they need and deserve. They also refer callers to other resources and services, such as emergency Medicaid referrals, practical support networks, and crisis helplines.
New York Abortion Access Fund's Community
Since the overturn of Roe v. Wade, NYAAF has seen a surge in requests for support, particularly from people traveling to New York from other states. In a year since the overturn of Roe, NYAAF supported people from 32 states (including NY), D.C., the Virgin Islands, as well as 13 countries. In 2023, NYAAF pledged 1.8 million dollars to directly fund abortion for 1800 callers.
NYAAF trusts that people are experts in their own lives and supports 100% of callers, regardless of income, age, and citizenship status.
Get Involved
Interested in getting involved with NYAAF?
- We encourage you to tap into your own community as a site of resource mobilization and organize an autonomous fundraiser on behalf of NYAAF. Check out our fundraising guide for inspiration.
- Join our list-serv to be alerted for future volunteer opportunities.
- You can also donate directly to NYAAF and start making a difference in your community today. Or send a check to FDR Station Box 7569, New York, NY 10150 Funding abortion is a radical act of community care.
Contact Info:
This Fund Can Provide:
- Financial Support
- Logistical Support
- Works Directly with Abortion Seekers