Our Campaigns - National Network of Abortion Funds
Raise Funds. Support Abortion Access. Build Collective Power. Join Fund-a-Thon Now Through May 31!

NNAF’s campaigns raise money and awareness for abortion funds and the abortion justice movement. Learn more. Join in.

What is Fund-a-Thon?

Fund-a-Thon is an annual fundraiser that proves donations of all sizes make a BIG impact. 

Each spring, NNAF community members and funds (like you!) gather for local, virtual, and hybrid events and inspire people to donate to their local abortion fund. This nationwide campaign engages supporters, deepens commitment to abortion access, and adds new donors. Plus, each donation directly helps abortion funds reach their annual fundraising goals!

2024 was record-breaking! We raised over $4 million, smashing our $2 million goal!

During Fund-a-Thon, NNAF offers fund members mentorships, resources packed with tips and tools, merchandise, a dollar-to-dollar donation match of up to $50,000, and more! 

Help Fund-a-Thon get even bigger next year! 

I love Fund-a-Thon. It’s my favorite part of my job … it feels like magic, the way that we can raise money for abortion access together. And it’s not magic, it’s the hard work of a lot of dedicated people, which is also kind of magic.”

Leah Soule, Our Justice
Two people high-five in front of an ombre background.

Heart-to-Heart Conversations

Talk to the people you love about abortion. 

NNAF believes talking can remove abortion stigma and create political and cultural change. With Heart-to-Heart Conversations, you’ll get the tools you need to speak intentionally about abortion, even when talking with someone who disagrees with you. 

Whether you choose a one-on-one or a group Heart-to-Heart discussion, learn how to speak compassionately about abortion. Help others do the same. 

Have a Heart-to-Heart today.

Taco or Bev Challenge (ToBC)

Eat tacos. Drink Bevs. Fund abortion.

Every fall, NNAF invites you to raise a glass and a taco at a local event—or at home!—and raise money for abortion funds! No matter how you ToBC—trivia, karaoke, making food, or enjoying a tasty drink with other abortion access champions—build community and excitement around Reproductive Justice. Learn more and get resources for next year’s ToBC.

Are you up for the challenge?

Reclaim Tax Day

We want our tax dollars to fund abortion, and it’s time the government listened.

The Hyde Amendment stops government insurance from covering abortion. This unjust federal law affects many people, but its biggest impact is on folks who already have trouble getting healthcare. Until Hyde is repealed, support abortion access and take back tax day with NNAF.  

This April, donate part (or all!) of your refund to abortion funds.

More Ways to Get Involved!

Seasonal Campaigns

Want to do even more to support abortion funds? So do we! Check Our Campaigns often to learn how you can support abortion access every season! Or join our email list and stay informed about all our seasonal campaigns!

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Support abortion access all year long! Become an individual member with NNAF and join a community of pro-abortion advocates and activists.

Become an Individual Member

Get Involved Locally

Even with decades of experience, abortion funds need support from people who care about abortion justice. Visit Local Fund Events and support an abortion fund in your commmunity.

Local Fund Events